Preliminary Ecological Appraisals

Preliminary Ecological Appraisals

A Preliminary Ecological Appraisal (PEA)  is usually considered to be the minimum level of ecological survey required to support a planning application. It comprises a field survey and a desk study, and is designed to identify the potential for the site to support protected habitats or species; highlight any potential legal issues associated with the ecology on the site in relation to the proposed works; recommend generic mitigation to satisfy policy and legal requirements and identify whether or not further survey work is required.

The desk study includes a consultation with statutory and non-statutory consultees in order to gather baseline data on protected habitats and species found within 2km (5km for bats) of the site. Additionally, a review of relevant local and national policy is undertaken in order to inform the mitigation recommendations and to ensure the development is in accordance with policy requirements.

The initial field survey is usually an extended Phase 1 habitat survey, but we will discuss the right option for your site with you before providing a fee proposal.

A full report and associated maps suitable to support a planning submission are produced as a result of this survey work.

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